a space to collaborate a mission to equip

Collective (n)

To work jointly with others

Equip (v)

To make ready | PREPARE

The world has called you an entrepreneur, but God has called you to be so much more! You were created and gifted for the purpose of impacting our world for the Kingdom!

Sadly for decades those same gifts have been devalued and misunderstood. Unfortunately almost every conversation on implementing spiritual things is relegated to inside a church building. I want to encourage you, that experience of being devalued or misunderstood is ending!

This is your invitation to join a growing network of like minded followers that are not only seeking to grow their business by leveraging technology and systems but also pursuing expansion of the Kingdom. This is your invitation to understand your gifts and realizing the power that comes in unity!

Join To Change Your Community, Your City, Your Region And Beyond! It All Begins

With The Free Servpreneur Collective!

We're Looking Forward To Connecting With You!


To provide community, training, and support that equips Kingdom Focused Entrepreneurs for exponential growth in their business while impacting their community for the Kingdom.

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets,
the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ
may be built up.

‭‭Ephesians 4:11-12


To equip Kingdom Entrepreneurs for leveraging their spiritual gifts!

“Seek first to expand the Kingdom, then all things you need will be given you.”

– Jesus

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:33


Driven By Jesus’ Gifts That “Equip”!

Connect with like-minded followers that are using technology and systems to grow their business while expanding the Kingdom.


Our goal is that you would identify and understand your spiritual gifts and how they are designed to equip you for growth and expanding the Kingdom!


Jump in our next training for FREE! Join The Servpreneur Collective for Kingdom Entrepreneurs that are serious about growth and impact!

Join To Change Your Community, Your City, Your Region And Beyond! It All Begins

With The Free Servpreneur Collective!

We're Looking Forward To Connecting With You!